Breaking Through Insecurities: How Board-Breaking Boosts Self-Confidence

In the journey toward building self-confidence, girls often face internal obstacles like self-doubt, fear, and insecurity. These challenges can feel overwhelming, especially during the critical tween and teen years when self-esteem is still developing. At Girls on Fire, one of the most powerful activities we use to help girls overcome these barriers is the board-breaking exercise, a symbolic and empowering act that boosts self-confidence in an unforgettable way.

This article will explore how breaking through a physical board helps girls break through their insecurities, fostering self-confidence and personal growth.

1. The Symbolism Behind Board-Breaking

At first glance, board-breaking might seem like just a physical feat, but its impact goes far deeper. In our Girls on Fire programs, girls are given a wooden board, and before they break it, they are asked to write a word on the board that represents a personal challenge, fear, or insecurity. This word could be anything from “self-doubt” to “anxiety” or even the name of a bully. By breaking the board, girls symbolically overcome the obstacles that have been holding them back.

This simple act of breaking a board transforms abstract feelings of insecurity into something tangible. It helps girls visualize and physically experience the process of breaking through their fears. The moment the board cracks, they gain a renewed sense of strength, accomplishment, and belief in their own abilities.

How It Boosts Confidence:
By breaking through the board, girls experience a powerful moment of triumph over their personal insecurities. This act allows them to see that they have the strength to conquer their fears, both physically and mentally. The confidence they gain from this experience stays with them long after the board is broken.

2. Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

For many girls, fear of failure or rejection can lead to feelings of insecurity. They may be afraid to try new things, speak up, or take risks because they fear they’re not good enough. The board-breaking exercise gives girls an opportunity to confront this fear head-on. Standing in front of the board, they may feel nervous or unsure of themselves, but when they succeed in breaking the board, they realize that their fears were not as insurmountable as they once seemed.

This act of confronting and overcoming fear helps girls develop resilience, a key factor in building lasting confidence. It teaches them that they are stronger than their fears and that taking action—even when it’s scary—can lead to success.

How It Boosts Confidence:
The experience of facing fear and succeeding gives girls a newfound sense of courage. After breaking the board, they learn that fear is something they can overcome, not something that defines them. This realization helps them feel more confident in taking on challenges in the future.

3. Building Physical and Mental Strength

Breaking a board requires both physical and mental strength. Physically, girls must focus their energy and strength to crack the board. Mentally, they need to believe in themselves and commit to the action. This combination of physical effort and mental determination mirrors the challenges they face in their everyday lives. Whether they’re dealing with schoolwork, friendships, or personal goals, success often requires both physical effort and mental resilience.

As girls practice the technique and prepare to break the board, they learn to trust their bodies and their abilities. When the board finally breaks, it reinforces the idea that they are strong enough to handle whatever comes their way, both physically and mentally.

How It Boosts Confidence:
The act of breaking the board demonstrates to girls that they are capable of achieving things they once thought were out of reach. This physical demonstration of strength serves as a metaphor for their inner strength, helping them realize that they have what it takes to overcome challenges in all areas of life.

4. Transforming Negative Thoughts into Positive Action

One of the key benefits of the board-breaking exercise is its ability to transform negative thoughts into positive action. When girls write down their insecurities or fears on the board, they take something that has been weighing them down and turn it into an opportunity for growth. This physical representation of their negative thoughts gives them the chance to face these challenges directly and take action to overcome them.

The moment the board breaks is a turning point. What once felt like an insurmountable obstacle is now something they have conquered. This experience helps girls shift their mindset from one of helplessness to one of empowerment, reinforcing the belief that they have control over their own lives and destinies.

How It Boosts Confidence:
By turning negative thoughts into positive action, girls learn that they have the power to change their circumstances. This realization fosters a sense of control and self-determination, both of which are essential for building lasting confidence.

5. Celebrating Personal Achievement

The board-breaking exercise is not just about overcoming challenges; it’s also about celebrating personal achievement. For many girls, breaking a board is a significant accomplishment, something they might have doubted they could do. The celebration that follows—whether it’s cheers from peers, high-fives from mentors, or a sense of pride in themselves—reinforces the idea that they are capable of achieving great things.

This moment of celebration is crucial for building self-esteem. When girls see that their hard work, focus, and determination have paid off, they develop a stronger sense of self-worth. They learn to take pride in their abilities and accomplishments, which helps to solidify their confidence.

How It Boosts Confidence:
The act of breaking the board and celebrating the achievement provides girls with a tangible reminder of their strength and capabilities. This sense of accomplishment boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to take on future challenges with confidence.

6. Long-Term Impact on Confidence

The benefits of the board-breaking exercise don’t end when the event is over. For many girls, the experience serves as a lasting reminder of their strength and resilience. The lessons they learn during this exercise—how to overcome fear, trust their abilities, and take action—stay with them long after the board is broken. This experience helps them build a foundation of confidence that they can draw on whenever they face challenges in life.

At Girls on Fire, we’ve seen firsthand how this exercise transforms the way girls view themselves. They leave our programs feeling more empowered, more capable, and more confident in their abilities to handle whatever life throws their way.


The board-breaking exercise is more than just a physical feat; it’s a powerful tool for building self-confidence in young girls. By breaking through a physical board, girls learn to break through their own insecurities, fears, and doubts. This experience helps them develop mental resilience, physical strength, and a belief in their ability to overcome challenges.

At Girls on Fire, we believe that every girl has the power to be strong, confident, and capable. Through activities like board-breaking, we help girls unlock their potential and discover the strength that has always been within them. Whether it’s facing down fears, taking positive action, or celebrating personal achievements, the lessons learned in this exercise stay with girls for a lifetime, empowering them to tackle future challenges with confidence and courage.