Top 5 Confidence-Building Activities for Girls: From Mindset to Self-Defense

Confidence plays a crucial role in every girl’s development, helping her face challenges, build healthy relationships, and grow into a strong, empowered individual. In today’s world, it’s important to give young girls the tools and support they need to develop self-confidence from an early age. From positive mindset shifts to practical self-defense skills, here are five activities that can help build lasting confidence in girls.

1. Growth Mindset Exercises

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Teaching girls to embrace a growth mindset helps them see challenges as opportunities for learning rather than obstacles to avoid. One simple and effective growth mindset activity is encouraging girls to use “I am” statements. These statements allow them to affirm their strengths and focus on the positive aspects of themselves.

For example, girls can write affirmations like:

  • “I am capable of learning new things.”
  • “I am strong, both mentally and physically.”
  • “I am kind, caring, and thoughtful.”

These statements help girls reframe negative thoughts and shift their thinking from “I can’t do this” to “I can learn how to do this.” By practicing growth mindset exercises regularly, girls will develop a more resilient and confident approach to life’s challenges.

2. Fitness and Physical Activity

Physical health is closely tied to mental well-being. Regular fitness activities can boost girls’ self-esteem by improving their body image and providing them with a sense of accomplishment. Activities like running, dancing, swimming, or martial arts not only keep girls active but also show them that their bodies are capable of incredible things.

At Girls on Fire, we incorporate fun fitness challenges that encourage girls to push themselves beyond their comfort zones. Whether it’s learning a new yoga pose or completing an obstacle course, the goal is to help girls feel strong and proud of their physical abilities. When girls feel physically fit, they’re more likely to carry themselves with confidence.

3. Self-Defense Training

Learning self-defense is a powerful way to build confidence. When girls know they have the ability to protect themselves, they naturally feel more empowered in everyday situations. Self-defense teaches practical skills like awareness, preparedness, and physical defense techniques, giving girls the confidence to handle challenging situations with strength and composure.

Incorporating self-defense into a girl’s routine builds both physical and mental resilience. It helps girls stand taller, speak up more confidently, and understand the importance of setting boundaries. At Girls on Fire, self-defense training is a core part of our programming because we believe that knowing how to protect oneself is key to feeling secure and confident in any environment.

4. Creative Expression and Journaling

Encouraging girls to express themselves through creative outlets like journaling, art, or music can significantly boost their confidence. Creative activities allow girls to explore their emotions, reflect on their experiences, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves. Journaling, in particular, is a great tool for helping girls process their thoughts and emotions.

A simple journaling exercise could involve asking girls to write about three things they’re proud of at the end of each day. This practice helps them focus on their strengths and celebrate small victories, reinforcing a positive self-image. Whether it’s through writing, painting, or playing an instrument, creative expression allows girls to connect with their inner selves, fostering both confidence and emotional resilience.

5. Group Activities and Teamwork

Confidence isn’t just about feeling good about yourself; it’s also about feeling comfortable and capable in social situations. Group activities and teamwork exercises help girls build confidence by encouraging them to collaborate, communicate, and trust in their abilities as part of a team. Whether they’re working together to complete a project or participating in a group fitness class, these activities teach girls valuable social skills that contribute to their overall self-confidence.

At Girls on Fire, we host conferences and workshops where girls are divided into teams led by inspiring female role models. This structure helps girls develop new friendships, learn how to work together, and feel a sense of belonging within their community. When girls see the impact they can make in a group, it strengthens their belief in themselves and their ability to contribute positively to the world.


Building confidence in girls starts with providing them the right tools and experiences. Whether it’s through growth mindset exercises, self-defense training, or creative outlets, each of these activities offers a unique way for girls to develop self-confidence and resilience. At Girls on Fire, our mission is to inspire and empower young girls, equipping them with the skills they need to feel confident in every aspect of their lives. By incorporating these confidence-building activities into their routines, we can help girls grow into strong, empowered individuals ready to take on any challenge.